Improving Critical Resource Development with Advanced Intelligent Systems
Learn how modern AI modeling, reasoning, and optimization can drastically improve performance, predictability, and safety of reservoir, wind, and mineral development projects.
Serious benefits from integrating advanced AI into project design and management.
Intelligent learning and planning can improve production output, reduce costs, and boost the bottom line without additional capital costs.
Intelligent generative modeling produces robust estimates of resource properties, enabling meaningful performance forecasts and bounds.
Integrating diverse data sources and simulations at computer-speeds can significantly accelerate project development over human-only development.
Advanced autonomy methods can optimize project performance while meeting critical bounds on safety and other logistic constraints.
Solution Domains
Optimal field surveying, design, and monitoring for geothermal, CCS, hydrogen, and more.
Renewable Generation
Improved metrology and design for solar and wind array developments.
Accelerated projects with improved understanding and more efficient development.